Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017


Happy but sad,

Today is the last day he will be a leader in my sub-area.
He who gave me responsibilities to finish some tasks for our department. So that, I can reduce my stress which is caused by ,,,,,,,
Many people said he is so smart, and yeps it's true, I study some things from him even though mostly un-directly because of his busy activity and just sometimes stays in the site.

At the last, I just want to get advice from him.
And happily, I got it.
I already gave him a sheet of paper and he wrote it.
I got important advice about the carrier. It so useful I will keep it and apply it for myself.
So that, It can help me when spirit is weak. 

Thu 10/26/2017 4:08 PM

bakteri,virus,atau...... ?

mungkin saya hanya bisa tertawa di sini..  hanya dalam dunia maya saja... pemikiran seseorang memang layaknya seperti tupai,  melompat deng...