Minggu, 02 Desember 2012


just a little strange...

syukuran lab tadi.... Miladnya Fisdas.... hmmm....

so happy.. i met a lot of friends since i became an assistant on physics lab..yaps... speechless.. can't describe all of my feel on that morning.. :D
but, when i met them, my classmate on Telecommunication class.... i felt little hm... TA...my graduation is different on few months with them :(
they took, hmm sebut saja acceleration class for 3.5 years
coz, a little 'sesuatu' i failed to took that acceleration... but thats not for my regret... I must run, do better and the best for my TA... insya Allah, i believe that Allah will guide me.. coz Allah

hm... there is relation reason why i move for that lab to antenna lab.... salah satunya yaps.. i failed to get acceleration for my graduation... but... thats not my Main Lobe reason... coz, i falling in love with the Antenna and Propagation lesson before i failed to get 3.5 years for graduation.. hhe..

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