Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

Just a Little Opinion - Diversity in Indonesia (1)

Indonesia is a place where i was born. It is known as an archipelago country which consists of more than 17 hundred thousand islands. It has many variations either from its cultural, religion, habit, and language. The variations which are arise in Indonesia is affected by the condition of the separated islands. Therefore,Indonesia has different culture and language at many places. Beside of that, hereditary habits from their old generation influenced their religious rituals, the food, costumes too. For the example, The region in west area of Indonesia such as Aceh is affected by overseas sellers from Islamic country around the world, so that is why the majority of their religion is Islam. If we look back to the history, many sellers from Islamic country lived for a long time in Indonesia to trade-off their wares. So it can't be denied that their habit influenced most of people in Aceh. Similiar with Aceh, in Maluku, Portuguese sellers influenced them with Portuguese cultural, some of them married with Indonesian, then their cultural was being mingled with Indonesian cultural. 

Unfortunately, many people who has different cultural, religion, habit, or maybe their perspective with each other, convert it become a problem. They also force someone who has different perspective with them to alter it. I think, they forget that every people has a rightful authority to choose everything they want to do. The differences cultural of Indonesia shouldn't be a problem for every citizen. People ought to have a big tolerant to other. If they tolerate it, a stability and peace in Indonesia will be held.

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bakteri,virus,atau...... ?

mungkin saya hanya bisa tertawa di sini..  hanya dalam dunia maya saja... pemikiran seseorang memang layaknya seperti tupai,  melompat deng...