Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017


Happy but sad,

Today is the last day he will be a leader in my sub-area.
He who gave me responsibilities to finish some tasks for our department. So that, I can reduce my stress which is caused by ,,,,,,,
Many people said he is so smart, and yeps it's true, I study some things from him even though mostly un-directly because of his busy activity and just sometimes stays in the site.

At the last, I just want to get advice from him.
And happily, I got it.
I already gave him a sheet of paper and he wrote it.
I got important advice about the carrier. It so useful I will keep it and apply it for myself.
So that, It can help me when spirit is weak. 

Thu 10/26/2017 4:08 PM

Senin, 01 Mei 2017


Dalam asa selalu ada takut
Bagaimana bisa engkau capai asa itu jika masih saja terbelenggu ikatan itu ?
apa karena terlalu banyak asa yang ingin engkau capai ?
atau karena engkau belum mengetahui jelas apa asa yang ingin benar-benar engkau capai ?
engkau ini bicara apa ?
apa yang engkau bicarakan ?
engkau sendiri saja tidak tahu apa yang memang ingin engkau bicarakan ?
sekarang apa kabar dirimu ?
sudahkah kau baca kembali asa yang engkau tuliskan dalam note tak beraturanmu itu ?
jika saja memang sudah kau baca kembali
kau pasti bingung, karena terlalu banyak noise yang engkau serap
harusnya kau filter saja semua noise itu
dan ambil sesuai dengan frekuensi yang memang dibutuhkan
bukankah kau tau jika saja engkau serap semuanya, maka itu akan menghasilkan inteferensi
dan akhirnya informasi yang engkau butuhkan tidak sesuai dengan memang yang kau butuhkan

Kamis, 06 April 2017


Everyone has goals, different goals, 

but some people think they have same goals with them. 

They have a finger in the pie one other affair

 unless they think their own affair.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

Noisy Colony

there are many amoebas in an impressive system
living in 2 different colonies in that sub-sub-system
the system is really good and pretentious, but not with one colony in that sub-sub-system.
weak amoebas are living in noisy colony, huddled together, united to be a form
they used to eating one another,
but no one noticed
when one is separated, it would have exhausted
and so does for another one who is not a native of the bond
I've ever seen.. the oldest of one gender was also eaten by them
Unconscious victim !
indeed their tongue are sharp, sharper than the sword that is sharpened
don't you know? foreign objects from other colonies also become victims.
How dare they are !
I've become a victim?
Don't know and don't care
I am the one who is separated....
already natural selection, God predestined me to separate with them
actually, that's all is not my wish
and .. yes.. i realized that involve into that noisy colony isn't my goal
my focus is only focused on devotion
devotion to the completion of mandate that I have to be resolved
I still have to hold myself to not come in that colony
hope the colony separate from one another
the colony that has been a long time gathered each other
when will all the colony are not eaten one another?

bakteri,virus,atau...... ?

mungkin saya hanya bisa tertawa di sini..  hanya dalam dunia maya saja... pemikiran seseorang memang layaknya seperti tupai,  melompat deng...