Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

Noisy Colony

there are many amoebas in an impressive system
living in 2 different colonies in that sub-sub-system
the system is really good and pretentious, but not with one colony in that sub-sub-system.
weak amoebas are living in noisy colony, huddled together, united to be a form
they used to eating one another,
but no one noticed
when one is separated, it would have exhausted
and so does for another one who is not a native of the bond
I've ever seen.. the oldest of one gender was also eaten by them
Unconscious victim !
indeed their tongue are sharp, sharper than the sword that is sharpened
don't you know? foreign objects from other colonies also become victims.
How dare they are !
I've become a victim?
Don't know and don't care
I am the one who is separated....
already natural selection, God predestined me to separate with them
actually, that's all is not my wish
and .. yes.. i realized that involve into that noisy colony isn't my goal
my focus is only focused on devotion
devotion to the completion of mandate that I have to be resolved
I still have to hold myself to not come in that colony
hope the colony separate from one another
the colony that has been a long time gathered each other
when will all the colony are not eaten one another?

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bakteri,virus,atau...... ?

mungkin saya hanya bisa tertawa di sini..  hanya dalam dunia maya saja... pemikiran seseorang memang layaknya seperti tupai,  melompat deng...